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My name is Carolyn and I’m the owner and operator of Embers Products. I started this little local business in December 2020 when I was searching for products to help with the skin problems I was having. They have healed my dry skin and helped it stay moisturized all winter long. Soon enough I was making these products for friends and family. They gave me such great reviews and feedback that I decided to start this business so I can share them with everyone!


The name 'Embers' comes from a restaurant my aunt owned. She has since passed away but I decided I would continue her legacy, using her restaurant's name for my own business. 


I’m very excited to share these products with you and hope you enjoy them as much as I do! 


Embers specializes in lip balms, lotion bars, lip scrubs and body scrubs. We also sell handmade cards! 


At Embers we believe in keeping the environment clean and sustainable. We do our best to use containers that aren’t plastic and can be reused. We also have a recycling program: after you’ve returned 6 lip scrub tins, body scrub jars or lotion bar tins, you get a free gift as a thank you for helping the environment!

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